Ancestor Veneration Video Course
Video course only
|Video course only
Ancestral veneration: Building a space to elevate your ancestors. Learn a brief history and spiritual techniques to elevate and work with your ancestors and guides.

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Video course only
Video course only
About the event
So many times we are tring to find a way to connect to their ancestors, guides and spirits. In espiritismo (spiritism), we find the concept of the boveda espiritual or spiritual altar, but there are many other simpler and effective ways to connect with your ancestors. This short video course will teach you how to begin your basic practice, connect to your guides, and learn how to build and work the proper altar.
Eric J. Labrado grew up in El Paso Texas where he was raised around the spiritists and healers of Juarez Mexico and their practices. He continued to learn his familial magical and spiritual traditions until he began his path of La Regla de Ocha or Lucumi Santeria. He is an initiated priest of Oshun from his spiritual house in Camaguey Cuba and has many years of experience in these practices. Ashe!
Alexis A. Arredondo…
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