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City Alchemist Witch Shop is an esoteric purveyor of occult goods and services whose aim is to revitalize witchcraft for the next generation.


Alexis A. Arredondo is an experienced practitioner of various magical traditions. Having grown up on the border of South Texas, he was fascinated by folklore and spiritual folk-practice from a very young age. He learned folk magic and traditional brujería (Mexican witchcraft) from a local bruja (witch) in his hometown, and later embarked on a journey in the sacred healing art of Curanderismo (Mexican folk-healing), inspired by famous healers like Don Pedrito Jaramillo. Alexis also dedicated himself into the cult of the Holy Death and several necromantic systems, including Tantric Aghor Yoga, Brazilian Kimbanda, and Palo Mayombe, in which he is now a Tata Nganga. He co-owns City Alchemist Witch Shop in downtown East Austin and has co-authored two books, "Magia Magia: Invoking Mexican Magic" and "Blood of Brujeria".


Alexis is also the occult expert and spiritual consultant for the Night Owl True Ghost Stories Podcast. He enjoys sharing his extensive knowledge and experience with others through the online school, the Mictlan Academy.


Eric Labrado, a native of west Texas, has been practicing Mexican witchcraft (brujeria) and folk-healing (curanderismo) since childhood. He learned the fundamentals of these practices from his family and other practitioners in his community. Eric is a co-author of two books, "Magia Magia: Invoking Mexican Magic" and "Blood of Brujeria."


Eric is initiated into the Afro-Cuban tradition of Santería as a priest of Oshún and is also an experienced medium and diviner. Apart from co-running his shop City Alchemist, he provides limpias (spiritual cleanings) for the community and mentorship programs for those interested in learning about the spiritual folk-traditions of Mexico. His expertise and knowledge of various traditions make him a respected authority in the field of spiritual healing.

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